PALLADIUM 12: Silicon Nemesis
PALLADIUM 12: Silicon Nemesis is now available to all Palladium members. Subscribe today to receive your copy of our winter 2023 print edition.
PALLADIUM 12: Silicon Nemesis is now available to all Palladium members. Subscribe today to receive your copy of our winter 2023 print edition featuring Grimes as the inescapable agent of humanity’s downfall, hauntingly photographed by the inimitable Brian Ziff and interviewed in long-form by Samo Burja on human civilization, the universe, and the dawn of AI.
Recent Silicon Valley advances in artificial intelligence have brought new weight to decades-old discussions. Many technologists and experts believe we are just a couple years away from a runaway intelligence explosion that overpowers and even, maybe, annihilates mankind. Others believe thinking machines will help usher in a new golden age of economic growth, scientific progress, and political resolution. Only time will tell. Until then, we have asked some of our brightest and most visionary minds to tell us what exactly they see on the silicon horizon.
Artificial intelligence is usually presented as a scientific endeavor or at least science fiction. But in practice, untangling the debates, fears, and hopes around it reveals the little science isn’t the interesting part: the questions raised by AI are about the metaphysical nature of humanity, what it is possible to know, and our cosmic destiny. Such dilemmas are not the idle talk of philosophers, but the foundation upon which the legitimacy of states and other governing organizations are built.
Like all our print editions, PALLADIUM 12 is a luxury creation designed for aesthetic enjoyment and focused thinking. It is a gift for our members and not for sale. Become a Palladium member today to receive your copy.
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We hope you will become a member today to receive your copy of PALLADIUM 12: Silicon Nemesis and to support this vital project.
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*All members also receive benefits of lower tiers. New subscribers will receive upcoming quarterly print editions. PALLADIUM 12: Silicon Nemesis ships December 21st. Our print publication is a quarterly newsletter that informs members about our public interest research, reporting, and analysis.
Artificial General Intelligence Is Possible and Deadly by Wolf Tivy. The central thesis of the artificial intelligence field is that engineers will be able to create artificial beings who effectively compete for mankind’s niche in the world. This is a threat.
“The Universe Wants Us to Take Her Clothes Off” With Grimes by Samo Burja. The artist, public intellectual, and favorite celebrity of Silicon Valley shares her thoughts on human civilization, the universe, and the dawn of artificial intelligence that is breaking in San Francisco.
“We Might Need to Regulate Concentrated Computing Power” With Jaan Tallinn by Wolf Tivy. The technologist, investor, and philanthropist speaks with PALLADIUM on the potential and peril of artificial intelligence: “We might need to regulate concentrated computing power.”
The Threat of Automation is a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy by Ryan Khurana. A consequence of faith in the inevitability of artificial intelligence is irrational under-investment in people. The results are obvious.
You Can’t Trust the AI Hype by Ash Milton. Between quasi-religious fervor and distortions from companies and investors, you need to build your own epistemic machinery to evaluate questions of progress in artificial intelligence.
A New Cosmist Moment by Alexander Gelland. Intensely prophetic transhumanism has happened before in Russia. Examining it reveals the religious character and eventual recuperation of such ideas.
Benevolent AI is a Bad Idea by Miya Perry. The main idea in the field of “AI safety” is psychologically incoherent and drives us away from applications that could enhance human agency.
God Hates Singletons by Wolf Tivy. The field of “AI safety” dreams of successful rebellion against the moral fabric of reality. Fortunately, this is physically and mathematically impossible.
Make Yourself Human Again by Wolf Tivy. Nick Land’s accelerationism has articulated a crisis in humanism. The best response is to embrace your own will to power.