PALLADIUM 17: Universal Man
Our spring 2025 print edition will ship to all Palladium members on March 26. Subscribe today to receive your copy.
PALLADIUM 17: Universal Man will ship to all Palladium members on March 26. Subscribe today to receive your copy of our spring 2025 print edition that explores humanity’s future among the stars. From Casey Handmer’s already influential analysis of the ultimate potential of SpaceX’s Starship rocket, to novel political theory by authors like Curtis Yarvin—his first contribution to PALLADIUM—this edition will ground you in the technical evaluations of key technologies, then ask what they will mean for our great-grandchildren, who may have the power to pursue ambitions beyond all current limits of time and space. At 128 pages of seminal essays from thinkers like Marko Jukic and Wolf Tivy, as well as new first-in-print articles exploring everything from human hibernation to lunar supercomputers, this is our longest and most thorough edition ever published.
What was once the domain of gods will become merely part of the human world—space might come to be a cosmically scaled realm stretching across many planets and satellites. It will immediately force us to rethink industry, war, government, long-term thinking, and even our anthropological assumptions. This kind of rethinking was once routine for Western civilization, which regularly transformed itself with technologies abolishing limits of time and space.
Reusable rockets have not only made space travel cost-effective, but, in doing so, have extended the reach of our species across once impossible distances. While profound in its implications, this development is all too easy to miss, and is one too few have thought through. As we settle and one day remake the Moon, Mars, the other planets, and the stars themselves, these heavenly objects will cease to be unchanging.
We are discovering new things about our universe and, crucially, our place in it. After half a century since Man last walked on a celestial body in 1972, after all the enervated introspection and misanthropic ideology in the decades since, it will turn out that perhaps the best way to explore our inner space was to explore outer space.
PALLADIUM 17: Universal Man is our voyage into this vast future and a glimpse at what kind of New Man is revealed when we grow our species’ reach to never-before-visited reaches of creation. Join us on this journey. Like all our print editions, PALLADIUM 17 is a luxury creation designed for aesthetic enjoyment and focused thinking. It is a gift for our members and not for sale. Become a Palladium member today to receive your copy.
Additionally, the first ten first-time subscribers will receive the gift of an exclusive copy of PALLADIUM 07: Garden Planet featuring nuclear activist Isabelle Boemeke in a visionary photoshoot by Brian Ziff.
By becoming a Palladium member, you are buying in to a project to reshape the future of American and global governance. Your support is critical for our work and is tax-deductible: Palladium is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and non-partisan institution.
By upgrading to a Supporting Membership, you will also get access to exclusive perks, including a priority invitation to attend our quarterly magazine launch parties. There are still five spots left reserved for new supporting members for the launch of PALLADIUM 17 in Washington, D.C. on March 26. These events bring our community and top collaborators together, including our editorial team.
Supporting Members will also receive rare out-of-print editions allowing you to complete your collection. This quarter, new supporting members will receive PALLADIUM 10: Cultural Excellence, this unmatched issue features an interview with model, adventurer, and mechanical engineer Pietro Boselli on life and seeking the ground truth of that experience. Upgrade to a Supporting Membership today here.
We hope you will become a member today to receive your copy of PALLADIUM 17: Universal Man and to support this vital project.
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$60 per month. Subscription to quarterly Palladium print editions.
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$200 per month. Priority invites to events and out-of-print editions of the magazine.*
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$1000 per month. Gift of a complete print collection, private calls with our editorial team and other select benefits*
*All members also receive benefits of lower tiers. New subscribers will receive upcoming quarterly print editions, including PALLADIUM 17: Universal Man which ships internationally to new members until June 2025. Our print publication is a quarterly newsletter that informs members about our public interest research, reporting, and analysis.
The New Space Race with China by Oberon Dixon-Luinenburg. Available first in print! China has launched hundreds of rockets and built a space industry second only to SpaceX. The United States is now in a space race that decision-makers and the public are barely aware of.
The Genius Who Launched the First Space Program by Sven Etienne Peterson. Sergei Korolev was the secret architect of the Soviet space program. His career demonstrates the triumph of vision and institutional innovation over conventionality and bureaucracy.
Why Starship Matters by Casey Handmer. The biggest rocket ever built will not just transform our current space and satellite industry, but power human civilization all the way to Mars. The time has come to settle a second planet.
A Trillion Tons In Orbit by Brian Balkus. Available first in print! The physicist Gerard O’Neill thought a planetary surface isn’t the right place for an expanding civilization. As launch costs fall, we need more ambitious goals to drive technology further.
The Orbital Authority by Curtis Yarvin. Available first in print! The ultimate high ground cannot be divided geographically. The threat of stagnant peace under one world government means humanity must once more wrestle with war to thrive.
It’s Time to Build the Exoplanet Telescope by Casey Handmer. Decreasing cost to orbit makes new space structures viable. A transformative option is a telescope capable of seeing distant planets up close.
The Case For Human Hibernation by Tim Lantin. Available first in print! As space colonization advances, translating rapidly progressing hibernation research into humans may prove necessary. On Earth, human hibernation may help us coordinate multigenerational projects.
The Moon Should Be a Computer by Omar Shams. Available first in print! Hyper-scaling the computational power of AI systems holds great promise, but the Earth cannot indefinitely shoulder their energy needs. The Moon can.
The Bison Sphere Manifesto by Wolf Tivy. You’ve heard of the Dyson Sphere. It’s time to talk about the only vision that can pull America out of this crisis of complacency: the Bison Sphere.
The Only Reason to Explore Space by Marko Jukic. There is only one durable justification for space exploration. If we fail to understand it, our civilization will end on Earth, not among the stars.